Education fact blog #2

 Public vs Private: Why Do Private Schools Offer Huge Scholarships ...

Students who attend public college and universities have a lower graduation rate than students who attend private college and universities. The students that graduate in four years attending public college graduate at a rate of 33.3% and 57.6% in six years. In four years 52.8% and 65.4% in six years for private schools and universities. Even though the data given is accurate according to the US Department of Education. The data still could be misleading when it comes to actual graduations rates. The reason being because statistics are limited to only full time and first time students. The data does not include transfer students or part time students which is very important in order to get a better and more accurate understanding of why public college and private college graduation rates differ. According to  this gives information that students who transfer graduate at about the same rate as students who attended all four years which is 58.9%. While keeping this important information in mind. In my opinion I think the reasons that lead to differences in graduation rates are affordability,and better schooling,also could be school funding.when students attend public college it could because they cant really afford private university. Sometimes even public college can be expensive so the graduation rates for public college could be lower than a university for that reason.Another reason could be maybe universities and private colleges are more exciting than a public college.This could be a reason why students transfer from public college to private universities and are left off the count. I think private colleges have their own teams,mascots,more activities,clubs,and better appliances than a public college.For these reasons this could be why the graduation rates for public college is lower than a private college or university.Student loans are also very important to think about.The more money you  get from loans, you have to also repay. loan debt can add up over time which can be stressful. According to the article  it says that people who get pell grants are only 41.2% likely to graduate in six years while Pell Grant: Here's How To Receive Your $6,195 -
students who have their own income are 55.4% likely to graduate. The differences shows that it is clear for people who have their own funding are more likely to graduate from college.I also believe that private university schools have more scholarship opportunities available that could help support some students attending.The private universities get more private funding . The private funding leads to better schooling and makes it easier for teachers to teach well. public college may require more work and effort to get assignments done due to low income to school.public college may not have proper funding in order to educate students to the best of its ability.This could have led to more students who have failed classes than students who attend a private university. 


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