Did you know that after every seven years we become new people? As human beings our health is important. Media today can educates us about our body. The media also have many major platforms to communicate.Health can be communicated to us using video, and written text. Both are great when learning about specific topics such as cells.

Written text are informal. In the article "Does the Human Body really replace itself after seven years",gives many facts about our body cells.One fact states that there are 50 to 75 trillion cells in the body.The text gives us references to click on. References allows the reader to learn more.Another fact from the article:all cells die except brain cells,which last until our actual death.The author gets this point across well. Audio was not necessary,nor background music to present each fact. Understanding cells nature and how important they are shows from text.

Videos are another form of communication.Video use Audio,music,and imagery to appeal to the audience.The video (Bone remodeling and modeling) have great images,which showed how two cells create our bone structure. The density of bone is modulated by osteoclast. (cell that absorbs bone) when osteoclast absorbs bone, it leaves an empty cavity. Osteoblast refills the absorbed cavities created by osteoclast.This process keeps bones strong and growing.After age 30 our bone density becomes weaker. Due to the loss of activity from osteoblast compared to osteoclast.

Video and text both can get the message across to the audience.Text gives us references,and important links to go and see other sites.Video is much more entertaining,and touching than text. Video can inspire emotions,while text seems to be straight forward,and factual.From both sources of information, I learned that it is important to take care of our bodies.We need to live healthy life styles to make our cells function properly.Osteoclast and Osteoblast are only two cell functions out of 75 trillion cells in the body.

Benjamin Radford "Does the human body really replace itself after 7 years" April 4, 2011

 "Bone remodeling and modeling"  Feb.17.2020 


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